Sunday, October 8, 2017

Mona 's super sexy long nail photos - 22


  1. Mona,

    Thank you for keeping alive, you are the best. I love everything about your nails length, shape, Width, curve etc. Keep those nails happy.

  2. I can't wait for my thumb nails to be as long as yours😍😍😍
    Your nails must be near 4 inches long💖
    Mona you are a True Long Nail Goddess 😙
    Thank you💓

    1. Michelle you should post your nails on this blog. I bet you also have beautiful long nails as well.

    2. Hi Art😊 I do take a obsessive amount of pictures and videos of my nails. At this time my nails are almost 1inches😁
      2 inches are my goal😍
      Then depending on how i handle the length then I'm going for 3 inches💓

    3. Hi Michelle thanks for considering posting your long nails on this blog. Take your time but you should start posting now so we can see how your nails grow till they reach the 2 inch goal, perhaps you feel comfortable with that length so you can go for the 3 inch goal like you said. The perfect length to me is no shorter that 2 inch and no longer than 3 inch but I've seen nails longer than 3 inch that still look beautiful. I have to say this. How much more of a woman, women look with 3 inch nails. I just love it, they totally catch my attention.

  3. Magnificent polish and manicure Mona!

  4. Mona looking forward to your next post!
